Roman Tsisyk - Chrome Extensions


Purpose: Enhances English language learning by providing access to a variety of web resources.

  • Extensive library of English learning materials.
  • Categorized content tailored to different learning needs.
  • Quick access to popular English learning platforms.
  • User-friendly interface for seamless browsing.
  • Regular updates to resource library.

Why Use It? Ideal for learners of all levels, enabling self-paced learning and exploration of high-quality materials to improve English skills.

Productivity Booster

Purpose: Increases productivity by using the Pomodoro technique to manage work sessions and breaks.

  • Pomodoro Timer for 25-minute work sessions and 5-minute breaks.
  • Longer breaks after four sessions to recharge.
  • Customizable timers for personalized workflows.
  • Notifications to remind users of work and break times.
  • Website blocking to reduce distractions.
  • Easy-to-use interface.

Why Use It? Helps maintain a balanced work-rest routine, enhances focus, and reduces burnout by managing time effectively.

Wrocławski Kiosk Informacyjny

Purpose: Provides local news and cultural insights about Wrocław directly in your browser.

  • Real-time updates from trusted news sources.
  • Customizable feed based on user interests.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Free to use without ads or subscriptions.

Why Use It? Keeps users informed about the latest happenings in Wrocław, offering a personalized window into local culture and events.

Chrome Extension Support Page

Purpose: Offers support and feedback options for various Chrome extensions.

  • Form to select extensions and submit feedback.
  • Contact options via email.
  • Organized interface to manage support requests.

Why Use It? Facilitates easy communication for feedback and support, ensuring user issues are addressed promptly.

Keep Active Extension

Purpose: Ensures active browser sessions by managing tabs and scheduling actions.

  • Tabs management to open and refresh tabs.
  • Alarms for periodic code execution.
  • Storage for saving settings and preferences.

Why Use It? Maintains active sessions to prevent timeouts and interruptions, particularly useful for professionals requiring consistent online presence.

Privacy Policies Summary

Each extension emphasizes privacy and user data protection:

  • No personal data collection: Most extensions operate locally without collecting or sharing personal data.
  • Permissions: Extensions require permissions only necessary for their core functions (e.g., tabs, alarms).
  • Security Commitment: Extensions are committed to user privacy, with clear policies on data use and sharing.

Project Info :